3-06-2022, 16:26
5 956

Septaria porcellana

The Septaria porcellana or Marbled Limpet Nerite is a relatively rare freshwater snail with an attractive appearance but is nevertheless rare in aquarium collections, primarily due to its difficult breeding. They are undemanding and can be recommended even for beginner aquarists.

Septaria porcellana naturally inhabits freshwater waters in the Indo-Pacific region. These snails can be found in the waters of Malaysia, Seychelles, Sri Lanka, New Caledonia, Fiji, Samoa, the Caroline Islands, the Mariana Islands and Okinawa. Snails stick to fast currents.

Septaria porcellana)

Septaria porcellana has an olive-brown, yellowish or pinkish-brown colouration, with dark markings in the form of tongues, triangles or horizontal, concentric, longitudinal, zigzag lines. The average size of the snail is about 3.5 cm. Males are considerably smaller than females.

The Marbled Limpet Nerite leads a crepuscular lifestyle, although they may be seen awake during the day. These snails lead a solitary life style. They are not interested in other snails at all, the only exception is the spawning period.

The Marbled Nerite Snail is a peace-loving snail that not only causes no discomfort to anyone in the aquarium, but also has no protection itself, as its shell is not closed. Under natural conditions, they are natural diggers, burrowing completely into the soft substrate.

For the maintenance of snails suitable aquarium volume of 40 liters. As a substrate can be used sand or gravel, but still polished gravel is preferable, due to the fact that it can grow algae, which are very fond of eating snails.

Water parameters: temperature 21-28° C, hardness dH 12-25°, pH 7,0-8,0. Water filtration and aeration are required.

Marbled Limpet Nerite have a nocturnal lifestyle. The lighting should therefore be adapted to the plants and algae in the aquarium.

Septaria porcellana

Septaria porcellana are omnivores. They feed on decay products and uneaten fish food. In aquariums, the snails are fed with fish meat, shrimps and crabs. They also eat algae, blanched vegetables (courgettes, cabbage, lettuce, carrots, peas), fruit (apples, melon, bananas). Food is given in the evening, 2-3 times a week.



Septaria porcellana does not breed in fresh water. Spawning is only possible in brackish (sea) water, which in aquarium conditions is very difficult to achieve. All snails available for sale were caught in the wild.

The life span of Septaria porcellana in an aquarium is about three years.

Septaria porcellana

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