21-06-2022, 18:48
5 432

MICROWORMS (Panagrellus redivivivus)

Panagrellus redivivus are micro worms that are tiny, round worms that are excellent fry food. They are relatively easy to grow and have therefore become very popular among aquarists breeding tropical fish along with Artemia nauplii.

The nematodes are only 1.5 mm long and about 50 µm in diameter. The worm has a round mouth and a pointed tail. Due to their small size, these micro worms are the main food for tiny fish for which Artemia nauplii are too large.

The nematodes become sexually mature at three days of age. They are livebearing worms. Female Panagrellus redivivus spawns 10-40 worms at 24-36 hour intervals throughout their life cycle, which is 20-25 days. In total, one female produces about 300 offspring during her lifetime. Young worms grow quickly and grow 3 times their size in a day. In the next 3 days they become another 5 times larger.

Microworms are easy to propagate on a substrate consisting of baby flakes, oat flakes, flour, yeast and other ingredients, diluted to a thick paste with water. Spread evenly, for example, the mixture of oat flakes and yeast in a layer about 1 cm thick in a flat plastic container and cover it with a lid, which has several holes 2-3 mm in diameter pre-drilled to allow fresh air to enter. Sprinkle the mixture over the top with Microworm starter culture and place the container in a warm, (20-30°C), well-lit place for 6-7 days.


As they multiply, the microworms begin to crawl up the walls of the plastic container, from which they can be collected as needed. It usually takes 3-6 days to get a colony of microworms.

To stimulate the reproduction of the micro-worms, you should stir the culture periodically, once a week. When the substrate has become liquid, the excess moisture should be absorbed, for example by placing a foam sponge over it.

Approximately one month later, when the nutrient medium has been depleted, it should be discarded and a new one installed, which will start the entire cultivation cycle, but with a new one.

Aquarists use the following ingredients for growing Panagrellus redivivivus with varying degrees of success:

  • Instant cereals, baker's and brewer's yeast, beer;
  • Baby oat flakes, baker's yeast and water;
  • Cornflour, baker's yeast and water;
  • Baker's yeast and water;
  • Flour, baker's yeast and water

It should be noted that the nutrient medium using cornmeal produces fewer microworms than, for example, oatmeal.

Microworms (Panagrellus redivivus)

Microworm is available from specialist aquarist shops online.

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