25-06-2022, 18:24
4 997

Hyriopsis bialatus

In nature, Hyriopsis bialatus inhabits Southeast Asia and is most commonly found in rivers with sandy substrate flowing through Cambodia, Thailand and the Malay Peninsula.

The sailing mussel, the shark-fin mussel, is a mollusk that fascinates with its bizarre shape and attractive colouration. It is an interesting mussel that you can keep and breed in your home aquarium. Even a complete beginner can cope with its keeping.

Hyriopsis bialatus has an unusual shape resembling a shark fin. The colour of these molluscs varies from light beige to dark brown. The shell is covered with greenish or yellow stripes. In natural conditions, clams reach a size of 15 cm, although in the aquarium they are slightly smaller.

Hyriopsis bialatus

These are harmless mussels. They bury themselves in the substrate and filter the water, thereby clearing it of fine suspended matter. Where Shark Fin Mussel are kept, the water is usually crystal clear. The mussels usually do not open their shells. Giriopsis is considered a pearl mollusk, capable of turning grains of sand into pearls. In Thailand, small grains of sand are introduced into the shell and over time they become covered in layers of nacre.

It is advisable to keep mussels in aquariums with a capacity of 50 liters and more. Coarse-grained river sand or fine gravel, poured a layer of at least 5 cm, is used as a substrate. Can be combined with dwarf shrimp, snails and small peace-loving fish. The roots of plants rooted in the ground should be additionally strengthened with stones from above, otherwise the clams, going deeper into the ground, push out the bushes together with the roots. Do not settle clams in a new aquarium, as there may not be enough food.

Hyriopsis bialatus

Water parameters: temperature 18-28° C, hardness 6-20°, pH 6,5-7,5. The aquarium does not need to equip the water filter, as well as mussels successfully cope with water purification, but if it does have, they will have to feed more often, as the clams may not be enough food.

Feed Hyriopsis bialatus with sinking powdered food, artemia, and daphnia. These clams will thrive in an aquarium with a lot of detritus and suspended sediment in the water column at the bottom. Feed 1-2 times a day.



Although Hyriopsis bialatus can be both males and females, and they self-fertilize their eggs and bred in aquaculture in Southeast Asia, they nevertheless do not breed in aquarium conditions.

Hyriopsis bialatus are very rarely found in trade and are often relatively expensive.

Hyriopsis bialatus

Hyriopsis bialatus has a lifespan of about 10 years.

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