Amblydoras nauticus
Amblydoras nauticus, synonyms: Zathorax nauticus Cope, Anadoras nauticus in nature lives in the Peruvian part of the Amazon basin, flowing in South America. The fish can be found in slower flowing streams as well as in quiet backwaters. The fish have a crepuscular lifestyle; as darkness falls, they gather in large flocks and swim in search of food, but during the day they hide in shelters among the thickets of plants.
Amblydoras nauticus has a massive head with bony plates. The body coloration is gray with dark spots like marble. Dorsal and pectoral fins with sharp spines. Sharp spines are also located along the lateral line. Sexual differences are poorly expressed. Females have a lighter abdomen and males are spotted. In addition, females have a more rounded abdomen. The maximum size of the fish is about 7.5 cm. Due to the bone plates located on the head, catfish are able to make sounds, which is why they were called "talking".
Amblydoras nauticus are very calm fish. Keep them in a group of 3-5 individuals in an aquarium of 80 liters. Catfish completely ignore the other fish, although there is a possibility that the older individuals may begin to prey on them. Like most catfish, they are active at night, in very brightly lit aquariums, where they most often fall, they will not be seen at all or almost not seen, but in unlit or poorly lit aquariums you can see them quite often. Young fish spend the daytime in the thick of plants, and larger specimens like to burrow into the sand. Be careful when picking them up, because even small specimens can firmly squeeze your finger, folding the pectoral fins. Fish make squealing noises both in the water and when pulled.
Sand is used as a substrate. The perimeter of the aquarium should be densely planted with aquarium plants. On the surface of the water is desirable to place bushes of floating plants, which will serve as natural light filters.
Water parameters: temperature 23-28° C, hardness dH 1-10°, acidity pH 6,0-7,0. Requires filtration, aeration and weekly replacement of ¼ of the aquarium water with fresh.
These are omnivorous fish. Under aquarium conditions they are fed live and frozen daphnia, artemia, bloodworms, earthworms, fish meat, as well as sinking flakes and pelleted foods. The food is given before turning off the lights in the aquarium.
Amblydoras nauticus does not breed under aquarium conditions. In nature, spawning occurs with the onset of the rainy season. At this time, fish build foamy-air nests among the leaves of plants, where later the female lays eggs. The clutch is guarded by the male. Whether the producers later show care for the fry is not known.