4-11-2022, 14:36
2 320

Alestopetersius caudalis

Alestopetersius caudalis, synonyms: Phenacogrammus caudalis, Petersius caudalis, Hemigrammopetersius caudalis, naturally inhabits the lower Congo River, Democratic Republic of Congo, Africa. The fish can be found mainly in forest rivers, in open water.

Alestopetersius caudalis is an exceptionally attractive tetra. The body coloration is pale, but as soon as the fish takes a certain position in relation to the light source, its whole body begins to shimmer in all the colors of the rainbow. The dorsal part is blue glitter, while the sides reflect the light with shades of yellow and silver. The caudal fin is elongated, bright yellow, due to which the fish got its name. All other fins are translucent with a luminous blue-and-white trim. Adult males are larger than females and have a brighter coloration. They also have elongated pelvic, anal, dorsal fins and caudal fins with white tips, which are absent in females. The maximum size is 5-6 cm.

Alestopetersius caudalis

They are peaceful, somewhat timid fish, which will be ideal neighbors in a shared aquarium with other species of peace-loving fish living in similar conditions, especially commensurate in size carps, catfish, loaches, etc. Keep Alestopetersius caudalis recommended group of 8-10 individuals. This way they become less fearful and show more natural behavior.

It is quite interesting to observe competing with each other males who compete for the attention of females or the hierarchical position in the group. In such battles can take a few males at the same time and in itself it is a very interesting spectacle. If the aquarium is small, the males quite often hurt each other, losing their scales as a result of the resulting wounds on the body can be infected.

Keep fish recommended in an aquarium of 150 liters per 10 individuals. As a substrate used a mixture of sand and gravel of various sizes. In different parts of the aquarium preferably placed large flat stones and snags. The perimeter of the aquarium should be densely planted with aquarium plants. Need to take care of a large enough open space for the swimming fish.

Alestopetersius caudalis

Water parameters: temperature 22-26° C, hardness dH 10-16°, pH 5,0-7,0. Need filtration, aeration and weekly replacement of 1/3 of the aquarium water with fresh.

In nature Alestopetersius caudalis feeds on small insects, crustaceans, fallen plant seeds, etc. in the aquarium fish feed live and frozen artemia, daphnia, chum, as well as flake and granular food containing spirulina. The food is given twice a day.


The most difficult thing in successful breeding of Alestopetersius caudalis in aquarium conditions is to properly prepare the females for spawning, which mainly depends on a varied diet. Frequent feeding of the producers with small flies and other insects is sometimes the key to successful spawning of the fish.

Need a large spawning tank, 80 cm in length, a sunny place, a lowered water level and protection in the form of separator mesh at the bottom for the eggs. Soft, slightly acidic water is best. Spawning takes place at dawn. In total, the female hatches up to 300 eggs, which the male immediately fertilizes. The eggs sink to the bottom. Immediately after spawning the producers should be removed.

Alestopetersius caudalis

After about 6 days, the larvae hatch out. For the first few days of life, they feed on the substances in their yolk sacs. As soon as the fry begin to swim freely they begin to be fed infusoria, and after a few days artemia.

The lifespan of Alestopetersius caudalis is about 3-5 years.

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