Nymphoides hydrophylla Taiwan

Nymphoides hydrophylla “Taiwan” grows naturally in water bodies in Africa and Asia. This plant is most common in southern Taiwan, thanks to which it received its name. In its homeland, it is also called dwarf Taiwan lily. This is a very beautiful plant, which can be successfully grown even by novice aquarists. This plant is suitable for any aquarium and can become an object of attraction for all who look at it.
Nymphoides hydrophylla “Taiwan” is a rosette plant that forms numerous underwater leaves of heart-shaped, light green color, 1-3 cm in size. In favorable conditions, the plant forms a bush up to 30 cm high and up to 15 cm in diameter. Given that Nymphoides flipper grows vertically, it is desirable to plant it in a tall aquarium.
A sprawling bush can be sheared without problems, giving it a more beautiful appearance. In addition, periodic pruning stimulates accelerated growth and makes the bush denser. Plant the plant preferably in the background or middle ground of the aquarium. The growth rate is high.
In the thick foliage of Nymphoides hydrophylla “Taiwan” like to climb shrimp, small catfish and other small fish.
There are no special requirements for the substrate, as these plants are able to grow even floating freely in the water column. However, a nutritious soil in the form of fine gravel with a layer thickness of 4 cm is still desirable.
Plant the bushes in the substrate, burying the roots to a depth of 2-4 cm. You can also tie Taiwanese lilies to driftwood or any decoration, using fishing line. After the bush takes root, the fishing line can be cut.
Water parameters: 20-28°C, hardness dH 6-12°, acidity pH 6.0-8.0. Feeding with CO2 and 2-3 times a week of liquid micro- and macro-fertilizers is desirable. Lighting is bright, with an intensity of 0.5 W / L. It is necessary weekly replacement of ½ of the aquarium water with fresh water.
Although the plant can grow at lower light levels, it develops much better in bright light, taking on a more lush appearance.
As Nymphoides hydrophylla 'Taiwan' grows, old leaves should be cut back to allow young shoots to develop. Under favorable conditions, daughter shoots will form from the mature leaves of the mother shrub. They will emerge from the articulations of the petiole and leaf plate, which, when they reach a size of about 5-8 cm in height, can be separated from the mother bush and planted in a new place.